Friday, September 25, 2009

Simple Tips For Shaving Your Car Door Handles

Everyday, I do custom body modifications for cars since I am an owner of an auto body shop. There was one day when I need to pull out a Limo out of a Ford Taurus. There have been many kinds of modifications which I do, including one of the most common ones, shaving door handles.

What is exactly you do when you are shaving your car door handles? Shaving your door handles means that you eliminate your outer door handles and then fill the area to create a smooth appearance. If you do this in the right way, then the result will last for a long time. However, if you do it incorrectly, it will come back and haunt you in no time.

When you shave your door handles, start with removing the inner panel of the door. The details maybe different for each car, but it will definitely contain removing screws and clips. In special cases, you will need to use special tool to remove the hidden screws and clips. They are usually attached in door handles or window crank handles.

After removing the inner panel, pull up the window fully so you are be able to get inside of the to the inside of the handle of the outer doors. When doing this, you will need a flashlight and a very skinny pair of hands. Most outer door handles in cars are attached to bolts that can only be accessed from the inside. You need to detach all the rods that are attached to the door handle so they will not interfere with anything inside the door.

Remove all the parts that may interfere with the movements in the inside including your door lock key cylinder. This will make you to put another extra key since the remote popper unit will be useless. Some people choose the cheaper way by modifying the door handle rod and attach it to the door lock cylinder. With this arrangement, you now can use your key to activate the door latch instead of the lock.

Whatever way you choose, the full shaving option or eliminating the handle and cylinder, you will have at least one whole day to work on. If you want the result to endure, then you should use metal and weld in some metal patches before. If you cannot do it, then you need to go to someone who can. This rule will not be applicable though, if the car has fiberglass body panels.

Next, you need to grind up the metal around the area, eliminating the paint, and roughening up the area. You can buy the products which are available in spray cans and apply the products on the metal. The products protects the metal from rust and fire during the welding process. After you have your metal patches applied, it is time to fill the area you already ground and cleaned before. Sand the fiberglass and use plastic body filler in thin coats when you want to do more shaping. You need to do this over and over again until you are sure that there are no more air bubbles trapped in the filler.

After all is done, then you need to apply a good quality primer to the repair area. You can use 220 grit sandpaper to make sure that the primer is smooth. When you finish with this step, then the next thing is to apply the last primer to the surrounding area and sand it with 320 or 400 grit of sand paper. Remember not to leave your car in primer for a long time since it may catches rust. Paint it immediately.

Painting is a very delicate matter, so if you never paint before, you will need to get a professional do it for you. Ask the painter you hired too whether the repair is good enough to be paint. If the answer is no, then ask your painter if he can do the final prep work and how much it will cost.

After the shaving is done, now you need to buy a remote popper kit and install it in your car so you can get in. The kits usually include complete instructions, yet if you are not good at electricity, you may want to pay an expert to do it. Since the popper is electronic and gets its power from electricity, you need to install a cable which manually activated and leads to one hidden point that only you who knows just in case the battery goes out.

Now after you understand all the steps, it is the time to decide whether you will shave your door handles or decide that it does not suit you after all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ford Mustang : The Most Featured Car in Movies

The classic car which has the most frequent appearance in the movies is definitely Ford Mustang. The best classic car chase scene made was between a Mustang and a Dodge Charger in movie “Bullitt”. Both the cars had sleek, throaty powerful, animalistic lines and rich engines. The hero Steve McQueen drove 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback 390 GT which happens to be the classic car which is most sought nowadays for restoration. Meanwhile the villain drove the beautiful and rare 1968 Dodge Charger R/T 440 Magnum.

In 2008, Ford Motor Company, which is homage to the movie “Bullitt”, produced 2088 Ford Mustang Bullitt which was already sold out even before the production was started. The fact that people already bought the car which had been only designed and not yet produced showed that Ford Mustang was the most sought out classic cars.

In 1965, Al Bundy put a 1965 Ford Mustang Convertible in his hit parody show “Married with Children”. The story of the parody was about a women's shoe salesman, his wife, and two children. This showed that even the low-salary man can have a Mustang muscle car. The Chargers might defeat the Mustang when it was modified, yet the beauty and power that the Mustang had crowned it to be the everlasting favorite chase car.

The Nicholas Cage's movie “Gone in Sixty Seconds” argues that 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 to be the best car hitting the streets in the movie. The original movie “Gone in 60 Seconds” in 1974 featured 1971 Ford Mustang Fastback.

In 2005, 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback was featured many times in “The Dukes of Hazard”. The Ford Mustang even got into the one of Bond's movie “Diamonds are Forever”in 1971 with 1971 For Mustang Mach 1 in a car chase scene set along sea cliffs. In 1964, 1965 Ford Mustang was filmed in Bond's “Goldfinger”. This proves that Ford Mustang is the classic car king in Hollywood movies. Almost all Hollywood movies which feature classic cars use Ford Mustang.

Recently, the Ford Mustang Saleen was also featured in Transformers (2007) and the sequel, Transformers : The Revenge of The Fallen (2009). Bumblebee, the Ford Mustang Saleen that can transform into a robot is the icon for Transformers and because of the movie, also became one of the most popular car in the world during 2007 to 2009.

Not only in movies, Ford Mustang also becomes the idol in TV shows and rock videos. Bryan Adams, Avril Lavinge, Aerosmith, and other rock singers and bands use Ford Mustang. It has a classic design and ability to go into the corners even in fast speed. There is no doubt that Ford Mustang is the most featured car in movies and most sought out muscle car.

Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Get Pure Satisfaction From Having Your Own Business - Part 2

Having Your Own Business Gives You Pride and Confidence

When your business turns to be a success, you can get a feeling of pride, knowing that it is all of your work. This feeling gives positive impact to your mood. You will feel like jumping out of your bed and running towards your office to start another day. It is true that an employer who works for his boss also feel a kind of pride when they can do their job well, but this employee pride is absolutely a different thing.

The success will also give you the confidence in doing anything. From now on, you will feel that you can do anything. You are a successful man, and you will remain successful in the future.

When hard times come, an employee can be laid off as a result of the adjustment the company takes to survive the crisis. This will make the employee lose his confidence. But if you are the owner of your business, you will still have your business and stick with it to survive the crisis.

Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Get Pure Satisfaction From Having Your Own Business - Part 1

The most exciting and rewarding part in having your own business is being the controller of your own destiny. You now hold the key to your own business success. Although having your own business is risky and may be tedious, the following tips will give you pure satisfaction from having your own business.

Leave the paycheck and security behind
When you leave your routine job and paycheck behind, you let go of healthcare benefits and all the security that your job gives you. When you quit your job and no longer work for someone else, you must realize that you have a new responsibility, your own business. But believe me, with hard work, you will make your business successful.

A feeling of satisfaction
Another rewarding part of setting up your own business is the self satisfying feeling that you will feel. When your business finally reaches its success, you can be the one who say in the end that it is you who make it all happen, followed with a line from a great legendary singer Frank Sinatra, that you “did it your way.”

There’s no longer a superior to whom you must report to. Of course you have to answer to your clients and customers, but when it comes to work, it is you who make all the decision. You are the one who in control and you have made a job for yourself and to other people who works for you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness is a Smashing Pumpkins album which is split in two discs, consisting of 28 songs all together. The album is known to be one of the greatest album from the band. All the 28 songs are magnificent and important as unique contributions to the album. After listening to all 28 songs thoroughly, there are 14 songs in this album that are true treasures.

For Smashing Pumpkins fans, the album is more than just another album to complete their collection. It marks a very significant moment in the journey of their loving band. The album is Smashing Pumpkins' last album and it was during this album's tour Jimmy Chamberlain was exiled from the band. Even though he had returned, he found out that the band was no longer the same band it used to be. Now, he and Billy Corgan are the ones who used to make up a legendary band.

I would like to distinguish the songs in this album into two categories. The first category is filled with songs that anyone can enjoy, while the second is the category of the songs which need devotion to enjoy.

The Melon Collie's theme song comes as a beautiful and deep instrumental songs played by piano. The nest song is Tonight, which is a cool song accompanied by much likely the same cool video. Next is the song that presumably had made Billy Corgan shave his head, Zero. This song does not only work as Corgan's personal credo, but also becomes a radio hit and inspires the making of the Zero shirt. The next song is the already famous Bullet with Butterfly Wings which is the first hit from the album. The drum playing in this album is obviously successful in attracting listener's attention. The next two songs are Galapagos and Muzzle, two similar yet different songs. Both are emotional songs, telling about love and sadness. The next song would be the best song in the album, Porcelina. This song is a masterpiece and very worth listening to. There are more radio hits coming with Thirty-Three and 1979. The second one is so popular that it still gets radio plays until today. Tales of a Scorched Earth and Stumbeline are two contradicting songs. The first one is so distorted while the second is a sweet ballad that will carry you away with its melody. Then comes Starlight, a soft and emotional song as the closure song for this category.

I will not mention all the songs in the second category to cut things short. We Only Come Out at Night and Lilly (My One and Only) are two distinguished songs compared to other rock songs. Farewell and Goodnight is an exceptionally funny song since all the member take turns to sing in this song. However, all the songs in this category are great songs that also deserve appreciations from their listeners.

This album is well worth listening to and everyone must not only buy it, but also listen to it every day for a month. By doing this, people will get to know every song in the album and then come to love and appreciate them.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Secrets to Making Continuous Improvement and Being Successful in Business - Part 2

The Third thing you need is to know your ability to change and your learning strategies. Ask yourself is your organization is ready to change. What risk are you willing to take to achieve the change? Ask questions that will lead you to the conclusion whether your organization is ready to undergo the change.

Fourth, you need to implement your agenda with the participation of all of your employees. There are five points you need to take to implement your strategy; communicate it to all employees, allow your employees to share their views and ideas in the strategy deliberation, organize the change leadership structure, setting agreed changed objectives and targets, and changing the consensus, commitments, and milestones.

Fifth, you need to manage the resistance that occurs at all levels. You can always expect resistance in a change. The resistance may come from employees who misunderstand the changes or simply just being ignorance to the change. They may also fear the job loss and new responsibility.

To manage change, you just need to clarify the misperception of the change, explain to people that the change will bring better future, ensure that the stakeholder already know the agenda, block all things that can bring back the old ways of doing things, and provide the tools for the improvement.

Sixth, you need to celebrate the successes and reward the change performers. Celebrate each success gained to let the people know that their works are appreciated. If necessary, give non-monetary rewards to the performers. Give a certificate of merit to the employees for their future advantages.

The last thing you need to do is to commit to continuous improvement. You need to commit to the continuous change and improvement in your business since it is one of the things that will make your business successful. To achieve it, you need to do these things.

Develop a collaborative and sharing environment.

Treat employees as they are business owner.
Create an organization where all are mentors and coaches.
Encourage employees to ask questions and share their views.
Be technology-updated.
Keep the discretion in conducting business
Accommodate employee and company interests.
Bear in mind that every success is a starting point of a new improvement.
Consider every failure as a lesson.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Secrets to Making Continuous Improvement and Being Successful in Business - Part 1

Change is a sure thing that will happen in this world. It happens everyday and in many ways. This is a reality that all entrepreneurs must understand in order to make their businesses successful. They have to be able to appreciate and embrace it instead of being annoyed by it.

There are four fundamental virtues you need to embrace change. They are desire, awareness, learning, and action. Below here are seven secrets on how to implement these four virtues to your business to be successful.

First, you need to be aware of the change and understand it. It will be very disastrous if you try to change something that you are not really aware of what it is. There are also problems, both external and internal, that need to be addressed. External factors refer to the way you handle opportunities, threat, and competition. Internal factors refer to maximizing your strength and minimizing your weakness.

So, you need to identify and understand what the problem is. This means that you must also determine what you need to do in identifying the problem. The best way to determine a problem is by asking several key questions which will be able to show us what has happened, how is the situation, and what strategies you can do to carry out an intended change. Please remember that you need to understand the real problem otherwise you will just add another serious problem to your business.

Second, you need to possess an enduring belief and desire to change. To do a change, you need to have a passion for it. You cannot make changes without intending it. Do not be intimidated by the failure you may face. Ignore the difficulties, uncertainties, and hard moments that usually come with it. You have to be brave enough to get out from your comfort zone and embrace the change. Take risks and bear in your mind that static state is a worse threat than going forward with a change to the new future.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How to Run an Effective Target Marketing Campaign Part 2

Remember that entering a group and getting welcomed is a delicate matter, especially when you are promoting a product. Do not spam the thread discussions or the mails, but join in the forums and use a personal approach to get to your future customer.

Introduce yourself in the forum and give clear information about who you are and what the business you are in. Ask their inputs for your business to show that you appreciate the inputs from your customer. Give them special offer and services.

In the real world, you can contact the clubs near you. Use voluntary services as the means of promoting your business. A free lecture on how to take care of a rabbit will let the members of the Rabbit Society know that there is a new rabbit vet in town.

Keep providing services to the clubs so that they will remember you. This is a kind of promotion that costs nothing but time and effort. Be diligent and get as many exposures as you can to the society.

Using the internet and clubs as a start in promoting your business is the best and most effective way to be known. When you are already establish close relationship with your customer, they will go right to you when they need your product/ service.

Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Run an Effective Target Marketing Campaign - Part 1

When you are doing business, you will need to perform target marketing at some point. In target marketing, you project to whom you will sell your product, how much you will sell your product, and how to promote the product. However, it is important that the target marketing is done effectively to get the best return on investment.

The oldest and most conventional way is to have advertisements. You run it in the magazines, newspapers, radio, and televisions. You can also have your ads on website to keep up with the trend. Yet this advertisement method is really expensive and there is no guarantee that you will reach your target customer effectively.

You need to know exactly who the target markets of your product are. Make a research and get into details. Don’t do only bicycle, do mountain bike or exercise bike. Pick a more specific area and work on it.

The next move is to find groups which can be the target markets for your products. You can Google it in the internet. Put the keywords with words that relate to the product you sell and add the word “clubs” after it. Once you find groups with possibility to be your customer, do not hesitate to contact them.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Proven Tips for Buying Your Dream Hot Rod - Part 2

There is no right or wrong in your way of buying a hot rod. The most important thing is that you are comfortable with it. You can check the internet to know what hot rods are available for sale. Who knows you may find a hot rod that you like better than your dream right now. However, if you are not the internet kind of guy, you can check on your local favorite car clubs. Stores which sell car's parts and body shops also can give you the right direction in buying the right hot rod.

If you are looking for custom made hot rod, you must pay attention to its value. Others may not be able to see the things that you consider valuable in your hot rod. Custom hot rod is always unique to its owner.

By reading and applying these tips, hopefully you can find your hot rod to bring home and fill in your garage. Whatever your dream hot rod is, from Pontiac GTO to the Chevy Nova, it is now ready to accompany you in your sunset ride.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Proven Tips for Buying Your Dream Hot Rod - Part 1

You have been dreaming to bring that Daytona yellow Corvette or that silver jade metallic Mustang home for years since the first time you saw it. Now, you finally decide to bring that hot rod of your dream home. But before you do it, you may want to do a research first on what kind of hot rod you actually want to decorate your garage. Do you want to have a project car which you can build yourself and become proud of it? Or do you want a hot rod which is ready to be brought right to the streets once you buy it? Or do you want a classic car to be kept?

If you are already very sure with the kind of hot rod you want to buy, then the next step you need to take is doing a research about it. Visit online blogs and forums to find information on the price of your dream hot rod and its condition when it is sold. You can also find a place in these forums where people sell their hot rods for you to buy. You may also want to check the stores in your area. You may find your dream hot rod on sale or at least you may meet someone who knows there's one on sale.