Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Run an Effective Target Marketing Campaign - Part 1

When you are doing business, you will need to perform target marketing at some point. In target marketing, you project to whom you will sell your product, how much you will sell your product, and how to promote the product. However, it is important that the target marketing is done effectively to get the best return on investment.

The oldest and most conventional way is to have advertisements. You run it in the magazines, newspapers, radio, and televisions. You can also have your ads on website to keep up with the trend. Yet this advertisement method is really expensive and there is no guarantee that you will reach your target customer effectively.

You need to know exactly who the target markets of your product are. Make a research and get into details. Don’t do only bicycle, do mountain bike or exercise bike. Pick a more specific area and work on it.

The next move is to find groups which can be the target markets for your products. You can Google it in the internet. Put the keywords with words that relate to the product you sell and add the word “clubs” after it. Once you find groups with possibility to be your customer, do not hesitate to contact them.