Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Maximize Consumer Value

When Easter time is coming, parents and grandparents are busy to prepare for the Easter eggs hunt. They boil the eggs, color them with bright colors, and find great spots to hide the eggs. Then when the day comes, the children will be happily running and screaming around the house to find the hidden eggs which may result candy as rewards in the end. The older people are filled with laughter and watch from afar to their happiness and joy in finding the eggs.

However, nowadays many moms or grandmoms are too busy to boil their own eggs and paint them with unique pictures and designs come from their own imaginations. To make things easier, they just buy the ready Easter eggs sold in stores and bring them home for tommorow hunt. Some moms probably will miss the fun of boiling and painting the eggs together, but they will still be able to experience the joyful moment of hunting the eggs in the next day.

Busy customers like those moms are one of the targets in the marketing world. There are three ways to approach this kind of customer.

1. Listen
Do a lot of listening to your customer and make sure that you are really listening to them. Do not just hear what they want without giving and feedback and doing no response. Do not just hear like a stubborn child ignoring whatever his mother's says. Listening means that you are taking in the new data and responding to them. The case of poisoned Easter Eggs is one of the example where the company do not do a serious listening. The company has ignored the risk of poisoning in favor of low cost and keeps importing from China manufacturer.

2. The Plan and The Execution
The plan of reselling cheap eggs manufactured abroad is definitely a good plan in making great profit for the company. However, the fact that the products will be used by the children and most likey will come to their mouth makes the plan to be the worst of all. The children are exposed to the lead poisoning from the very items that suppossed to create joy and good memories in their lives.

3. The Evaluation
The final thing to do is evaluation. This step is probably useless for the lead poisoning case, but evaluation is always important to set up for the strategy in the future. This poisoned Easter eggs case will remind other competitors that low price is nothing compared to quality and safety. This case will make them improve their listening skill for the next products they create. Moms also will take more precautions too regarding the things they give to their children.