Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1964 Ford Galaxie 500XL : The Star of NASCAR Races in the Sixties

Ford cars showed remarkable performances in the first part of 1960's NASCAR races. Ford next got “500” added to the repute in the packed size Galaxie chain. Ford Galaxie 500 XL was the initial capacious performance car from Ford, done with expensive interior, console, container seats, and sculpted outside.

Ford Galaxie 500 XL was a deluxe brand which became Ford's quality self-assurance property. It was introduced in average 1982 and became the chain cars in which its collections were false to suit the taste of all buyers. The standard interior equipments were clip seat and console, wall to wall floor covering, packed sweep covers, courtesy light, and contoured deluxe seat upholstery. For the outside, Ford Galaxie 500XL came with padded visors and dash, backup light, swing away steering sweep, deluxe sweep covers, air conditioner and spotlight mirrors on behalf of the luxury options. For power, it came with power brakes, power steering, power windows, and power front seat.
It had ten and more outside insignia. Two-tones painted cars were as well free. Ford Galaxie 500Xl as well obtainable options on behalf of multiple drive train. It as well obtainable transmission choices from instruction booklet to automatic. The instruction booklet transmission includes Synchro Smooth instruction booklet support reallocate and 4-speed instruction booklet floor-shift. The automatic transmission built-in Cruise-O-Matic three run automatic and Ford-O-Matic Drive automatic. The top run performance was 108 mph and it used premium gasoline as its fuel.

The engine's standpoint was on the front bottom with 8 valves and 16 valves cylinders. It had the strength of 145 horse power on 4400 rpm and obtainable six engines with bhp up to 425. The ratio of power to consequence was 25.5 lb/hp and the compression ratio was 8.7 : 1. It had 2-barrel carburetor with 4-barrel carburetor as an option. The dimensions were 210 crawl in measurement lengthwise, 119 crawl in sweep establish, and it had 3672-3722 lbs consequence.

Within 1965, the Ford Galaxie 500XL line was discontinued by Ford. However, the XL mark survived with many modifications undergone on behalf of five years until 1970.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Subliminal Advertising : How Your Business Can Use It To Market to Your Customers

Subliminal advertising is an advertising that tries to insert the information into the viewers' brain without them realizing it. It tries to get into the subconscious of the viewers by inserting visual cue which can be a symbol, a word, a phrase, or the combination of any of them.

The advertising is based on a theory that the human brain is capable to process information unconsciously. The result of the successful subliminal advertising is supposed to be some type of a modified behavior in the targeted viewers.

Big companies usually are the accused ones for using this kind of advertising in their advertisements in delivering the message to their customers. This is the reason why their business have become very big and successful. Their advertisements supposedly modify the behavior of their target market into consuming their products only.

Theories and practices
There is a debate, however, on the fact whether the advertisements really work effectively. It is agreed among researchers that the brain does have a subconscious level, but various studies on the matter cannot find affected behavioral patterns as the result of subliminal advertisements.

What is more likely to be the result is a "Palvovian" effect occurred to people's attitudes after they saw subliminal advertisements. The studies show that people do develop the sense of hunger after seeing an image that related to a certain food, yet they do not feel necessary to want that particular food product.

In other words, subliminal advertising only manages to get people to want that kind of product but not certain product from certain corporation which creates the advertisement.

Some people may say that we are not really aware of what is going on, that we, as a society do not realize, what the effect of subliminal advertising in our daily life. Some will even argue that there are government institutions and companies that have been using subliminal advertising for years. We have to admit also that subliminal advertising does have scientific support in the theory even though the studies conducted could not find the evidence of the effectiveness.

Whatever the argument is, it is for sure that business owners will continue to promote their products and find the new ways to do it apart from the controversy whether it is truly effective or not. Subliminal advertising, in the end, will still be a controversy as long as it is only supported by theories and its effectiveness still cannot be proved by the studies that will be conducted in the future.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tips for Creating a Successful Brand for Your Business

If you want to have a successful brand, a sound research is needed. Brand promise and precise messaging that go along with the corporate team and the customer community are the results of a good research.

There are four main rules you have to follow to conduct a successful brand building and brand marketing:

1. The brand needs to be believable to get credibility.
2. The brand has to be unique to be effective.
3. The brand has to be compelling to achieve an impact and be memorable.
4. The brand must give sense of ownership to clients and partners to generate revenue.

Each advertising agency has its own method to establish strong and successful brand marketing. One of the agencies, Procter and Gamble, is famous with its “Developing a Positioning Statement” strategy. Your product name is the name which provides the main benefit for you; which will be positioned against your competitors' names which give the benefit to them.

To get a good Positioning Statement, you need to get all the ideas out from the members of your team by conducting a workshop. The point of this workshop is not to get a consensus, but to brainstorm the ideas in the heads of the team members. Try to get as many ideas as possible and make sure that all the members of your team have participated and contributed their ideas. Take the outputs from this workshop and make a Positioning Statement from them. Don’t forget to make a documentation on how the statement was determined. Have an independent market research to support the statement.

Consider the analysis differences between the perceptions in your team and the reality in the customer world. This is important since it will put you in a position against your competitors effectively.

Below are the important questions that need to be answered to determine the positioning objectives:

1. What is the uniqueness my brand can offer compared to other brands?
2. Which quality of my brand that my clients consider as the most important factor?
3. Which quality of my brand that is most difficult for my competitors to imitate?
4. Which quality of my brand that is easiest to be understood by my prospects?

You also need to communicate your product, services, and company’s value to the market. Standardize your messaging and demonstrate your value against your competition. A minimum five years support for the organization and objectives will help too.

Stick to the four rules of the brand building and you will be on your way to successful brand and marketing campaign.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to Find Your Dream Job and Enjoy It - Part 2

Study shows that around 60% of workers in the United States of America are unhappy with their jobs. We can interpret the word “unhappy” to mean absolutely not liking their job or just being okay with the job but not having much excitement in it. Whichever it is, the point is that 60% of United States workers are lacking spiritual satisfaction in their jobs.

How do we solve it then? The only way to get the satisfaction in your job is never stop looking until you find it. It may sound selfish and impractical, but it is the only way you can feed your soul instead of only feed your body with your paycheck every month. I do not suggest you to quit your daily job in an instance, but don't stop looking to find the job which you feel will bring joy to your life.

You will find books on how you can compromise with your condition right now, but I think those kinds of books are very limiting to our talent and ability. Explore your hobbies to find an activity which will lead you to your dream job.

Let me tell you a story that will inspire you in finding your dream job and never give up. I have a 40 years old friend who had been a medical sales representative for almost 20 years. At the age of 40, he finally decided to pursue his dream to be a surgeon. His friends and family told him that he was insane taking the decision. But he continued his plan and never looked back.

Chris Rock the comedian said once about the difference between a job and a career. He said that a job is the one which keeps you feed and pays the bills, but a career is your true calling and you will really enjoy doing it until you feel that the time is never enough.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How to Find Your Dream Job and Enjoy It - Part 1

Some people were born already knowing what they would become when they grew up. Some wanted to be a doctor, some wanted to fly big planes, some really liked music and desperately wanted to be a musician. They then made plans and worked as hard as they could to achieve it, and you know what? They succeeded. How about you?

I always envy those people for always knowing what they want and having such determination to get it. I myself had got lost in my high school time, realizing that childhood dreams may not be applied anymore to the adult life. Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were kids?

Most kids will choose an occupation around them that they can understand. Police, doctors, veterinarian, lawyers, teachers.Some are fascinated by films and TV shows and wants to be movie stars or celebrities. Broker, consultant, editor will may never come to their mind. Some of those children get their dream job, but many of them have to compromise with the real world.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Do Effective Networking For Your Business Success - Part 2

If you allocated only very little time for going out to meet your business network outside your office, you can meet them through your internet. You can use the internet to do an effective networking. There are many business networking forums online. In these forums you can find many contacts that will be useful for your business.

Spend at least one hour or more in front of your computer before or after your working hour and do your networking from there. It will not take a long time for you to become a habit and see how the result surprises you.

It is important also for you to meet with the people within your industry or in the industries where you try to build your market. You can meet them in a social association or a local association or seminars in the relevant topic of your business. Attending these gatherings will not only contribute to your business in the network part, it will also contribute your business with new ideas and advices you will get from the events.

Networking is very important to your business growth. You won't be able to have a successful business if you only sit in your office and do not talk to anyone. Therefore, you need to review your time management system to ensure that you have allocated enough time to do what is really important for your business, networking.

Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Do Effective Networking For Your Business Success - Part 1

When the clock shows you that it is time to call it a day, you suddenly realize that you have not met anyone again today to expand your network for your business. You are too busy managing and watching your business from your office and after the office hour you must socially meet your friends. Network is very vital to your business, but you don't have time to meet new people to expand your network. How can you deal with this time problem?

If this problem occurs, you definitely need a new time management system. It is not true when you say that you don't have time to expand your network. It is just impossible that you as the business owner cannot allocate time for something that is really important for your business.

What is wrong here is that you do not have a good time management system. Since networking is a crucial point in your business, you must allocate at least a little time for it. Change your time management system to accommodate this need.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Better Business Bureau : What it is and What It Can Do for You - Part 2

There are three categories to determine what Better Business Bureau can do for you.

As a consumer, you can gain three benefits by joining the organization. You can do business checking, filing complaints, and using the library resources. You can check out the various businesses which are registered to determine which companies operate in compliance with the tenets of Better Business Bureau. You can also file a complaint against a company through Better Business Bureau. The organization will address your complaint fast to online, offline, accredited, and non-accredited business. They even accept complaints against charities and NGOs.

For businesses, Better Business Bureau can provide them the accreditation they need. They can also ensure whether the advertisings conducted by the businesses are already ethical.

Here are the sectors of advertising which have review services:
National Advertising Division
Children’s Advertising Review Unit
Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative
Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program
National Advertising Review Council
National Advertising Review Board
Code Of Advertising
Charity or donor

Better Business Bureau provides similar services to this category as to common business. The difference is that Better Business Bureau provides recognition that a charity is operating with the compliance of Better Business Bureau.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Better Business Bureau : What it is and What It Can Do for You - Part 1

What is Better Business Bureau? What does it do? What does it achieve? If you want to answer these questions then you can read our tips below.

Better Business Bureau, what is it?

Better Business Bureau is an organization whose goal is to set an environment where buyers and sellers can do business and trust each other during their transaction by implementing the industry standards and best practices. The organization is non-governmental and self regulating.

There are a set of ideals that grounds the best practices and standards which set by Better Business Bureau. These standards are then followed by the member companies as a fundamental basis in building commercial relationships.

Here are five ideals of Better Business Bureau:
Creating a community of trustworthy businesses
Setting standards for marketplace trust,
Encouraging and supporting best practices
Celebrating marketplace role models
Denouncing substandard marketplace behavior

The members of Better Business Bureau show their intention in creating a business service which has a high quality by referring to these ideas. The very same standards are also used in arbitrating disputes with companies which are not the members of Better Business Bureau.

What can Better Business Bureau can do for you?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Favourite Prince's Songs

It is complicated to speak out my opinion when it comes to Prince. I love some of his songs, yet I consider some of his other songs not good at all. I would say that the best years for Prince are between mid-1980's and early 1990's.

My first favorite album from Prince is the Purple Rain soundtrack. I love all the songs in the album, particularly “When Doves Cry.” I was nine years old when I first listened to the song and thought the song was very cool. Later on, I got to know the lyrics and found the lyrical imagery in the song to be the cool thing of the song. This song is the kind of song that has the beat to make you dance. If you listen very closely, you will find the baseline in the song. This is a brilliant song to my opinion, the one you can listen to and make you dance.

Another song that I like from the soundtrack album is the title song. This is quite a long song, an eight minute song with guitar instrumental played at the end. I usually don't like slow songs from Prince, but the way that Prince combines the music, the lyrics, and the performance in this song is very brilliant and evoke emotional reaction from everyone that listens to it.

In the following years, I came to like “Raspberry Beret,” a song from Around the World in A Day album. The song tells a story about a guy who works in a small store. Then he falls in love with a girl who steps in to the store one day. The girl wears a raspberry beret, the one which inspired the title. They finally get together in the end, which makes a sweet story and a sweet song to listen to.

I also have some favorite songs in Sign 'O' the Times, a 1987 Prince album. The song with the same title with the album, tries to depict the social life at the time. It talks about drug abuse, Ronald Reagan's “Star Wars” project, Challenger space shuttle, and nuclear war. I love this song except for the cheesy lines near the end. My other favorite song in this album is “U Got The Look” which has a great poppy beat and special appearances by Sheena Easton and drummer Sheila E.

There is another soundtrack song that I like in 1990. The title is “Thieves by The Temple” from Graffiti Bridge movie. The movie did not hit the box office, however. I like the way this song builds the intensity towards the end. I also like the way Prince sings about the ended relationship in a very bitter way.

In the next year, there is the title song from Diamonds and Pearls album. The music is easy listening and talks about the love of a couple and what they would give for their love. In this song, I like the way Prince and Rosie's vocals come together and blend wonderfully.

Later on in 1992, I like a song titled “7,” a second single from the album with the unpronounceable title. The song tells about a love in apocalyptic tale. However, it is the music that makes me love this song. I also like Morning Papers from this very same album.

Other songs that I like from Prince are "Little Red Corvette," "1999," "I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man," "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World," and "Betcha By Golly Wow!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Secrets for Maximizing Value When Investing in Classic Cars Part 2

After getting all the numbers right, next, you also need to know what options are available in the car you choose. It can be the available engines, the matching colors, the paint codes, the transmission, etc. Of course you need to know about all these things before you decide to buy a car for investment. It is true that you can ask someone else to do the car authentication for you, but it will not be a smart way to learn about your own investment.

Find as many information as you can about the car you want to buy. Do not hesitate to buy books on cars to learn about classic cars. Do not feel sorry on the dollars you spend for a classic car book. You may lose much more than that if you do not buy one.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Secrets for Maximizing Value When Investing in Classic Cars Part 1

How do you want to do your investment? Are you interested in investing in classic cars? Do you often see people who have classic cars and wonder how they can keep their investment without loosing it in the process? The following tips will greatly help you maximize value when investing in classic cars.

If you want to invest in classic cars and be successful in it, then you must learn a lot about the cars. Start by picking one favorite car and learn everything you can learn with that one car. You can get a book which is called By The Numbers written by Colvin. You can get it at your local Barnes and Noble book store.

The main crucial thing when you invest your money in classic cars is that you need to know the numbers. What I mean by numbers are the VIN number, transmission & rear end tags, the RPO codes, date codes, and casting number. If the car is a GM car, then you also need to know the protect-o-plate number.

These numbers are the only way to know whether the classic car you are after is authentic. If you buy the car for an investment, then you definitely need to make sure that the numbers are valid and that the car is authentic. However, if your intention in buying the car is only for fun, then you can buy any car you want to satisfy yourself in your hobbies.

These authenticity numbers are applied to all classic cars. It is important to be remembered once again that the way you determine whether a car is authentic or not is by looking at its numbers. Pay attention to the numbers if you want to make your investment in classic cars.